
 Welcome!  I'm Saint a queer artist creating erotic artwork. Here you'll find info about custom commission work as well as my directory of links across the web.Warning for  18+ Adult Content  🔞, including some sensitive and dark subjects that may make some uncomfortable. Minors are not permitted. This is a Dead Dove, Do Not Eat zone, and I ask that you be conscious and respectful of that before proceeding!


🔞 COMMISSIONS ARE CURRENTLY OPENBelow is my commission Pricing & Samples! Please note that these prices are Base Prices and additional charges may occur if your request or character design is particularly complex. Most human or simple fantasy characters will not have additional charges.I have multiple commission types available. PLEASE make sure you specify what kind of commission you would like when you submit a form.I require Visual Reference for all commissions! There will be a +50% design charge added to your commission if you do not have any visual reference. If you do not have custom artwork of your character, Photo Reference for things like hair style, or Game Screenshots do still count toward being visual references.PLEASE MAKE SURE TO READ MY TERMS OF SERVICE BEFORE COMMISSIONING ME! I require all clients to be 18+ with NO EXCEPTION. I also ask for card payments ONLY via Gumroad. If you cannot pay with this method, send me an email and we can discuss potential alternatives.


Sketches have rough linework and come with monochrome shading on a paper texture background, similar to the example. You can also purchase color versions of sketches for an additional charge. Color will have a rough, flat digital watercolor look.

𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐅 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘      $60.00 USD𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘      $80.00 USD𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄           $120.00 USD𝐀𝐃𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑     +$30.00 USD


Monochrome pieces come with a dark / off black textured background and are fully toned. These works are heavily textured, and will come with a subtle color gradient overlay upon request -- please specify what color tones you would like!

𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐅 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘      $80.00 USD𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘      $120.00 USD𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄           $200.00 USD𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃   +$60.00 USD

full color

Full color pieces have clean linework and come with shaded colors & detail work. Pieces will have a dark abstract background unless otherwise specified. Commissioner can choose whether they want a digital 'Watercolor' look or just standard shading.

𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐅 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘      $125.00 USD𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘      $175.00 USD𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄           $300.00 USD𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃   +$75.00 USD

submit request

I take all commission requests via Google Forms. Please fill out the form as accurately as you can manage. If you have any questions or concerns prior to requesting a commission, please shoot me an email.By sending in a form you confirm that you have read through and agree to my Terms of Service, and confirm that you are 18 years of age or older.I also REQUIRE email contact for all commissions! You must be willing to provide your email and communicate through email.

terms of service

My terms may seem lengthy, but they are broken up into multiple sections for ease of reading. I require everyone who commissions me to be familiar with my terms of service before contacting me and sending in a commission request.You are required to agree to my terms and conditions before any payment is made. If you break any of my terms, your commission may be refunded and not completed. You may also be blacklisted for knowingly breaking certain terms, so please read carefully.

👉 basic terms...

🖤 You must be 18 years of age or older in order to request / receive a commission🖤 If you break any terms you may be blacklisted from future commissions🖤 I have the right to deny / cancel / refund any commission, at at any time🖤 Pricing & Policy reflects PERSONAL USE COMMISSIONS ONLY - contact me to discuss pricing for commercial work on a case by case basis.🖤 Keep your interactions appropriate and genuine - this is a business transaction!

🚫 restrictions...

🖤 This is a basic list of things I am not comfortable drawing:
.......... Real Life Animals (fantasy creatures and furries are ok!)
.......... Underage Characters (under 18!) in explicit / violent situations
.......... Certain kinks such as Inflation, Gender Transformation, Fat Fetish / Stuffing, Hyper, Scat
.......... Extremely complex armor or mechanical details (ask if unsure!)
🖤 This list is not extensive, there may be other things I am not comfortable with🖤 Please ask if you feel uncertain, I am generally open to Harder Kinks

💵 payment & payment plans...

🖤 I take payment up front, in full, before I start work on commissions.🖤 Commission payments are taken via credit / debit card ONLY, through GR, I do not use "PP" because of content policies. I will not bend on this policy.🖤 I am okay to work out payment plans for any commissions over $100🖤 Payment plans must be completed within 30 days from first payment🖤 Failure to complete a payment plan means your commission will not be completed

💸 refund policy...

🖤 I offer full refunds if no work has been started after a 30 day period🖤 If I have started the work and you want a refund, I will only refund a partial amount🖤 I will discuss with you a partial refund amount if this is what you’d like to do🖤 A charge back without prior discussion will result in blacklisting🖤 As long as you communicate with me, I am happy to work something out!

📅 time frame...

🖤 My turn around is generally 30 days after payment has been received.🖤 I will turn in WIPs for approval at various points throughout that period.🖤 If my timeframe changes due to unforeseen circumstance I will let you know.🖤 If you have a deadline in mind for a commission, please let me know from the start.🖤 I need a minimum of two weeks completion time from a deadline request.

edits & alterations...

🖤 You may only ask to alter your submitted information if you have made an error🖤 I will offer edits / adjustments to a piece during the sketch and line art stages🖤 It is your responsibility to identify any potential errors and ask for edits in those stages🖤 If I make a minor or major error on my part, I will make those edits/alterations at no charge🖤 If you want a major edit or multiple minor edits after completion and approval due to your own error, there will be a charge

🎨 artistic liberty...

🖤 Understand that I have a specific style and that is what you are commissioning me for🖤 You may not request I draw in another artist’s style, or alter my own for your commission🖤 What counts as my style includes everything from anatomy stylization, to color choice🖤 You may NOT consider a stylistic choice an “error” and request a major edit🖤 If you leave an aspect of your commission up to Artist’s Choice / Artistic Liberty, you may not ask for that aspect to be changed


If you enjoy my content and want to support me, but cannot currently afford a commission, you can consider leaving a donation via Gumroad! I have a donation pack available for a PWYW rate. Any tips are greatly appreciated!Any donation will give you a download to a thank you letter, some high res downloads, and a timelapse process!